Sparkling wines

The positions on the more level slopes are ideal for fresh and aromatic base wines used in the preparation of sparkling wines.

A rich, loess, porous soil on Eocene rocks, interspersed with Boulbènes clays with the presence of ferro-manganese. Deep roots and significant reserves in the soil, which is cold and late on the lower slopes.

Varieties: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay (currently being planted) and Aligoté (currently being planted).

Royal Hill

Sparkling wines

The positions on the more level slopes are ideal for fresh and aromatic base wines used in the preparation of sparkling wines.

A rich, loess, porous soil on Eocene rocks, interspersed with Boulbènes clays with the presence of ferro-manganese. Deep roots and significant reserves in the soil, which is cold and late on the lower slopes.

Varieties: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay (currently being planted) and Aligoté (currently being planted).

The positions on the more level slopes are ideal for fresh and aromatic base wines used in the preparation of sparkling wines.

A rich, loess, porous soil on Eocene rocks, interspersed with Boulbènes clays with the presence of ferro-manganese. Deep roots and significant reserves in the soil, which is cold and late on the lower slopes.

Varieties: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay (currently being planted) and Aligoté (currently being planted)

Royal Hill

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Royal Hill

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